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Fr, 20.09.2024 12:38
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Frequentis AG: Merger of the group company Groiss Informatics GmbH with Frequentis AG intended

Vienna, Austria (pta019/20.09.2024/12:38) - As the next step in the integration of the Klagenfurt (Carinthia / Austria) based software company "Groiss Informatics", which was acquired in July 2024 with a total of eight employees specialised in the development of workflow management systems, Frequentis is planning to merge its group company Groiss Informatics GmbH, as the transferring company, with Frequentis AG, as the acquiring company, by way of universal succession as of 30 June 2024 in accordance with the provisions of Sections 96 et seq. of the Austrian Act on Limited Liability Companies (GmbHG) in conjunction with Sections 219 et seq. Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and applying Article I of the Austrian Reorganization Tax Act (UmgrStG) ('up-stream group merger').

Pursuant to Section 221a Para. 1a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the documents relating to this procedure are published simultaneously with this notice in electronic form in the edict file (§ 89j of the Austrian Court Organisation Act (GOG)) and also at http://www.frequentis.com > Investor Relations > Publications > MERGER OF GROISS INFORMATICS GMBH WITH FREQUENTIS AG for the duration of one month.


Frequentis stands for a safer world. Our solutions are used in our customers' command and control centres and help them make the world safer.

Frequentis' reliable communication and information systems are used around the world by civil and military air traffic control organisations (Air Traffic Management segment) and the police, emergency rescue services, fire brigades, railways, coastguards, and port authorities (Public Safety & Transport segment).

The listed family business based in Vienna, Austria, drives innovative and sustainable solutions for safety and security in everyday life and communications in the safety-critical sector. Its air traffic optimisation solutions for air traffic control centres contribute to reducing emissions.

With a market share of 30%, this high-tech company is the world market leader in voice communication systems for civil air traffic control.

As a global player with more than 2,300 employees (full-time equivalents/FTE), Frequentis has a worldwide network of companies in over 50 countries. Its products, services, and solutions are used in around 150 countries. Shares in Frequentis are traded on the Vienna and Frankfurt stock exchanges; ISIN: ATFREQUENT09, WKN: A2PHG5. In 2023, revenues were EUR 427.5 million and EBIT was EUR 26.6 million.

For more information, please visit www.frequentis.com ( http://www.frequentis.com/ )

Barbara Fürchtegott, Head of Communications / Company Spokesperson
barbara.fuerchtegott@frequentis.com, +43 1 81150-4631

Stefan Marin, Head of Investor Relations
stefan.marin@frequentis.com, +43 1 81150-1074


Aussender: Frequentis AG
Innovationsstraße 1
1100 Wien
Ansprechpartner: Stefan Marin
Tel.: +431811501074
Website: www.frequentis.com
ISIN(s): ATFREQUENT09 (share)
Börsen: official trade in Vienna
Weitere Handelsplätze: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt
Frequentis AG
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