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Mo, 01.07.2024 17:30
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MS Industrie AG: Annual General Meeting 2024 and Implementation of the "Schunk Sonosystems / MS Ultrasonic Technology Group" Transaction

München (pta044/01.07.2024/17:30) - The Annual General Meeting of MS Industrie AG (WKN 585518; ISIN DE0005855183) was held today in Munich as planned. All agenda items were approved with the necessary majorities according to the administration's proposal. The Management Board looked back on the very successful Financial Year 2023:

* Increase in consolidated sales by around +20% to EUR 246.7 million
* Increase in EBITDA by around +44% to EUR 21.8 million
* Growth in consolidated earnings after taxes by around +277% to EUR 4.4 million

As part of the report on the current business situation, the Management Board also informed that in connection with the strategic cooperation between the Schunk Group and the "MS Ultrasonic" segment (see AD-HOC communication dated May 31, 2024), the required approval was received today from the Federal Cartel Office and the sale of 51% of MS Ultraschall Technologie GmbH, Spaichingen, to Schunk Sonosystems GmbH, Wettenberg, can therefore be formally completed in the next few days.

Schunk Sonosystems GmbH is a specialist for machines and systems in the field of ultrasonic metal welding – complementary to MS Ultrasonic with its core competence in ultrasonic plastic welding. The Management Board and Supervisory Board welcome this significant and future-oriented transaction for the MS Industrie Group and look forward to working together with the global Schunk Group.

Due to the fact that the remaining 49% stake in MS Ultrasonic will be consolidated by the MS Industrie Group using the "at equity"-method, the Management Board expects, in summary and based on a preliminary assessment, the following main effects:

* Reduction in consolidated sales by around EUR 80 million on a "full-year" basis
* Significant reduction in net debt by around EUR 45 million and thus also in interest burden
* Reduction in total assets by around EUR 60 million
* Increase in the equity ratio to over 50% of the balance sheet total
* Reduction in the number of employees by around 450

In the future, the industrial focus of MS Industrie AG will be on the "MS XTEC" segment with its core competence in high-precision and flexibly automated metal machining for a wide variety of customer industries. In the current year, the board expects sales at MS XTEC of around EUR 150 million with significant increases in the coming years, supported by multi-year orders.


MS Industrie AG (WKN 585518; ISIN DE0005855183), headquartered in Munich, is the listed parent company of a focused technology group with the two business areas drive technology ("MS XTEC": systems and components for heavy-duty combustion engines and hybrid or electrical drive solutions) and ultrasonic technology ("MS Ultrasonic": special machines, standard machines and ultrasonic systems and components). Key customer industries include the global commercial vehicle and passenger car industry, followed by the packaging machine industry, the medical and other plastic processing industries as well as the general mechanical and plant engineering industry. In financial year 2023, the Group generated revenues of around EUR 250 million with over 800 fixed employees at five production sites, two of which are located in Germany and one each in the USA, Brazil and China.

Press Contact :

BeckerBeratungsGesellschaft (BBG)
Neustr. 23
55296 Gau-Bischofsheim / Mainz
Klaus-Karl Becker
+49 (0) 172 61 41 955


The publisher of this document is MS Industrie AG based in Munich. Although the information in this document comes from sources that MS Industrie AG considers reliable, no guarantee can be given for the correctness of the information in this document. This document does not constitute a prospectus and is also not suitable as a basis for evaluating the securities presented in the document. Estimates and opinions contained in this document represent the assessment of MS Industrie AG at the time the document was created and are subject to change at any time without prior notice. MS Industrie AG and/or its affiliated companies may from time to time hold positions in the securities referred to in this document or in options, futures and other derivatives based thereon, may provide other services (including those as advisors) to each company named in this document, provide or have provided and may (to the extent permitted by law) have used the information contained herein or the research on which it is based prior to its publication. Any kind of advisory relationship between MS Industrie AG and the recipient of this document is not established by the provision of this document. Each recipient must conduct its own research and take precautions to check the profitability and reasonableness of an investment decision, taking into account its personal and economic interests. MS Industrie AG is not liable for the consequences of trusting in opinions or statements in this document, nor for the incompleteness of the same. Any citizen of the United States of America who receives this document and wishes to transact in securities referred to herein is required to do so through a US-licensed broker.


Aussender: MS Industrie AG
Brienner Straße 7
80333 München
Ansprechpartner: Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 89 20 500 900
Website: www.ms-industrie.ag
ISIN(s): DE0005855183 (share)
Börsen: free market in Dusseldorf, open market (free market) in Frankfurt, free market in Hamburg, m:access in Munich, free market in Stuttgart; open market in Berlin, Tradegate
MS Industrie AG
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