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Mo, 27.05.2024 10:27
Beteiligungsmeldung gemäß § 135 Abs. 2 BörseG (ESMA 2015/1597)
Wiener Privatbank SE: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 135 Abs. 2 BörseGWien (pta012/27.05.2024/10:27) - Veröffentlichung einer Beteiligungsmeldung nach § 135 Abs. 2 BörseG Beteiligungsmeldung
1. Emittent
2. Grund der Mitteilung
3. Meldepflichtige Person
4. Namen der Aktionäre sofern es sich nicht um die unter Punkt 3 genannte Person handelt
6. Gesamtpositionen der meldepfichtigen Person
7. Einzumeldende Daten - Details über die gehaltenen Instrumente am Tag der Berührung der Schwelle 7.A: Stimmrechte die zu Aktien gehören
7.B.1: Finanzinstrumente / Sonstige Instrumente gem. § 131 Abs 1 Z 1 BörseG 2018
7.B.2: Finanzinstrumente / Sonstige Instrumente gem. § 131 Abs 1 Z 2 BörseG 2018
8. Information in Bezug auf die meldepflichtige Person
Volle Kette der kontrollierten Unternehmen, über die die Stimmrechte und/oder Finanz-/sonstigen Instrumente gehalten werden, beginnend mit der obersten kontrollierenden natürlichen oder juristischen Person:
9. Im Falle von Stimmrechtsvollmacht Datum der Hauptversammlung: N/A
10. Sonstige Kommentare
The High court in Prague, by resolution of 13 October 2021, file. No. 4 VSPH 816/2021-A- 249 amended the resolution of Municipal court in Prague of 11 May 2021, file No. MSPH 98 INS 723/2021-A-186 so that the main insolvency proceeding was commenced and by the same resolution appointed the Insolvency practitioner as the Debtors insolvency practitioner. Main insolvency proceeding held in Czech Republic is in accordance with Czech insolvency act (InsA) in the phase of authorised reorganisation, when one of the creditors is drawing up a reorganisation plan. In accordance of the sec. 333 of InsA the following applies: the decision on the authorisation of the reorganisation shall suspend the functions of the general meeting of the debtor and the insolvency administrator shall decide in its place the general meeting of the debtor and the right to appoint or elect and dismiss members of the debtors statutory body and supervisory board shall vest in the creditors committee. The rights of the Debtor to dispose with the insolvency estate was limited and transferred to the Insolvency practitioner by the resolution of Municipal court in Prague dated on 11 August 2023, file. No. MSPH 98 INS 723/2021-B-852, as amended by the resolution of the Municipal court in Prague dated on 17 August 2023 file. No. MSPH 98 INS 723/2021- B-856. The Insolvency practitioner of the Debtor, has in the insolvency proceeding in accordance with the Article 217 of the Czech Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on Bankruptcy and methods of solving it (Insolvency Act) entered the shares listed in the Debtor¿s inventory of insolvency estate published in the insolvency register maintained in the insolvency proceedings at sheet number No. B-874 under item V. Other assets, item No. 8, namely 495 460 pcs. of shares in book-entry form with a nominal value of 2.27 EUR issued by the Wiener Privatbank SE, Parkring 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria, ISIN: AT0000741301 (Shares) into the inventory of the insolvency estate. The creditors committee of the Debtor in the Debtors main insolvency proceedings has granted the Insolvency practitioner its consent to sell the Shares to the company Bohemia Faktoring, a.s., ID No.: 272 42 617, with registered seat at Prague 1 - Mala Strana, Letenska 121/8, PSC 11800, Czech Republic (Buyer). The share purchase agreement with the Buyer has been concluded on 22 May 2024, and according to the information from Erste Group Bank AG (securities account keeper) the transfer of Shares has been processed on 23 May 2024.
This notification is an amendment to the notification provided by insolvency petitioner Lee Louda regarding Wiener Privatbank SE on 24 May 2024 after the communication with the Markets and Exchanges Supervision of FMA, the amendments are following:
PORR rechnet mit anhaltender Baukonjunktur 30.10.2024 ETARGET