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Mi, 06.09.2023 18:30
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Holding announcement according to article 135 section 2 BörseG (ESMA 2015/1597)
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BAWAG Group AG: Release according to article 135 section 2 BörseG

Vienna (pta024/06.09.2023/18:30) - Release of Announcement according to article 135 section 2 BörseG

Notification of Major Holdings

1. Issuer:
BAWAG Group AG, Wiedner Gürtel 11, 1100 Wien, Austria

2. Reason for notification:
Acquisition / disposal of shares with voting rights
Acquisition / disposal of instruments

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation
Name: BlackRock, Inc.
City and country of registered office: Wilmington, United States of America (USA)

4. Names of shareholder(s) holding directly 3% or more voting rights, if different from 3

5. Date on which threshold was crossed or reached

6. Total positions

% of voting rights attached to shares (total of 7.a.) % of voting rights through instruments (total of 7.b.1 + 7.b.2) total of both in % (7.a. + 7.b.) total number of voting rights of issuer
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed / reached 4.51 0.52 5.03 82,500,000
Position of previous notification 4.43 0.51 4.95

7. Notified details of the resulting situation

7.a. Voting rights attached to shares

ISIN code absolute direct (Sec 130 BörseG 2018) absolute indirect (Sec 133 BörseG 2018) in % direct (Sec 130 BörseG 2018) in % indirect (Sec 133 BörseG 2018)
AT0000BAWAG2 0 3,720,894 0.00 4.51
Total: 3,720,894 4.51

7.b.1. Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 1 BörseG 2018

Type of instrument Expiration Date Exercise Period Voting Rights Absolute Voting Rights in %

7.b.2 Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 2 BörseG 2018

Type of instrument Expiration Date Exercise Period Physical /Cash Settlement Voting Rights Absolute Voting Rights in %
CFD N/A N/A Cash 425,443 0.52
Total: 425,443 0.52

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity.

No. Name Directly controlled by No. Shares held directly (%) Financial/other instruments held directly (%) Total of both (%)
1 BlackRock, Inc.
2 BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc. 1
3 BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. 2
4 BlackRock International Holdings, Inc. 3
5 BR Jersey International Holdings L.P. 4
6 BlackRock Australia Holdco Pty. Ltd. 5
7 BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited 6
8 Trident Merger, LLC 1
9 BlackRock Investment Management LLC 8
10 BlackRock (Singapore) Holdco Pte. Ltd. 5
11 BlackRock HK Holdco Limited 10
12 BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited 11
13 BlackRock Lux Finco S.à r.l. 11
14 BlackRock Japan Holdings GK 13
15 BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd. 14
16 BlackRock (Singapore) Limited 10
17 BlackRock Holdco 3, LLC 5
18 BlackRock Cayman 1 LP 17
19 BlackRock Cayman West Bay Finco Limited 18
20 BlackRock Cayman West Bay IV Limited 19
21 BlackRock Group Limited 20
22 BlackRock Finance Europe Limited 21
23 BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 22
24 BlackRock International Limited 21
25 BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V. 22
26 BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG 25
27 BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited 22
28 BlackRock Capital Holdings, Inc. 3
29 BlackRock Advisors, LLC 28
30 BlackRock Canada Holdings LP 17
31 BlackRock Canada Holdings ULC 30
32 BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited 31
33 BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC 3
34 BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC 33
35 BlackRock Delaware Holdings Inc. 34
36 BlackRock Fund Advisors 35
37 BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association 35
38 Amethyst Intermediate LLC 9
39 Aperio Holdings LLC 38
40 Aperio Group, LLC 39

9. In case of proxy voting

Date of general meeting: N/A

10. Additional Information


Aussender: BAWAG Group AG
Wiedner Gürtel 11
1100 Wien
Ansprechpartner: BAWAG Group Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 (0)59905-34444
Website: www.bawaggroup.com
ISIN(s): AT0000BAWAG2 (share)
Börsen: official trade in Vienna
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