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Fr, 28.08.2020 10:24
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capsensixx AG: capsensixx deliver positive first half 2020 results

Frankfurt am Main (pta015/28.08.2020/10:24) - capsensixx deliver positive first half 2020 results

Net commission revenues increased by 11.3 Mil. Euro

Profit after deduction of minorities increased to 0.9 Mil. Euro

Recent positive trends are expected to continue in the second half of 2020

Frankfurt am Main, 28. August 2020 - second quarter continued the positive developments despite continued challenges from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic crises leading to a successful business progress in the first half 2020. Core investments - Axxion S.A. and Oaklet GmbH -improved group profitability after deduction of minorities to 0.9 million Euro. This is in comparison to the negative 0.1 million Euro loss in the comparable period last year. Both investments contributed to the positive business progress.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation EBITDA (before the deduction of minorities) increased by 19.7 Percent to 3.9 million Euro in the first half of 2020. Net commission income increased to 11.3 million above the 11.1 million achieved in the comparable accounting period last year despite corona virus pandemic challenges. General administrative expenses stabilised around 7.5 million Euro comparing well with the 7.6 million Euro incurred last year. Depreciation and amortisation decreased by 17.2 percent to 1 million Euro.

It is expected that COVID-19 will continue to negatively impact economic and business development. Current business trends and developments are expected to maintain their positive trends despite all uncertainty and risks arising from the ongoing pandemic which severely impacts forecasting.

Fabian Föhre, managing director of capsensixx AG: "We are very delighted with the current developments during the first half 2020. They offer solid fundamentals for an ongoing business progress. Our bespoken solution in Fund Management, Administration & Accounting and Capital Markets & Corporate Services are ideally positioned to take advantage of the current environment and strengthen our standing and positioning.
You can access semi-annual financial statement for the period ending as of 30. June 2020 here:
https://capsensixx.de/11-ir.html # goto100

Annual general meeting was postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The new official date for the annual general meeting is 13 October 2020. Supervisory board intends to appoint Mr. Martin Stürner as the sole managing director. The appointment is intended to be announced shortly before the orderly annual general meeting planned for 13. October 2020. Mr. Fabian Föhre announced his intention to resign from his position as managing director. Mr. Martin Stürner, currently member of the supervisory board, will resign officially from his current position as of 12. October 2020. Following the resignation by Mr. Martin Stürner it will become mandatory to elect a new member of the supervisory board. The supervisory board election will take place on 13. October 2020 in due course of the annual general meeting. Invitation to the annual general meeting will be officially published in the Bundesanzeiger as of 28. August 2020.

Contact details
capsensixx AG
Bettinastraße 57-59
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. 069 / 7680 585 0
E-Mail: info@capsensixx.de

Important information: The Corporate News contains forward looking statements. The forward looking statements are not based on past events or actual results. They contain expectations and assumption about future developments. Those statements are based upon uncertain planning, estimation or prognosis which are assumed by the capsensixx management. Forward looking statements are valid only on the day when they have been made. They do not constitute any obligation to be updated or communicated when and as new information or events arise. Forward looking statements are risky and uncertain. There are countless factors which can continuously impact the reliability. Future realised outcomes can vastly differ from the assumed forward looking statements. Such factors can be but are not exclusively based on financial markets in Germany, Europe, USA, and globally, efficient implementation of strategic planning and initiatives, reliability of planning processes and methods of risk management as well as unknown or unexpected risks. Corporate News are for information purposes only.


Aussender: capsensixx AG
Bettinastraße 57-59
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Ansprechpartner: Fabian Föhre
Tel.: +49 69 7680585-25
Website: www.capsensixx.de
ISIN(s): DE000A2G9M17 (share)
Börsen: regulated market in Frankfurt; free market in Dusseldorf, free market in Munich, free market in Stuttgart; open market in Berlin, Tradegate
capsensixx AG
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